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Ricoh 910803 price is £271.26. The RICOH THETA SC2 is an easy-to-use model, perfect for the 360 enthusiast, allowing anyone to capture high-quality spherical images. It snaps photos at approximately 14 megapixels, and smooth, immersive 360°spherical video at 30 frames per second in 4K (3840 x 1920 pixels). Additionally, the RICOH THETA SC2 comes with a variety of shooting modes such as "Face" mode, which recognizes human faces and applies skin smoothing, and "Night View" mode for shooting low-noise footage after the sun goes down. These modes allow the photographer to configure the camera with minimal effort.1 Tick to compare
Ricoh 910812 price is £316.47. Easy to use, the THETA SC2 for Business allows any beginners to capture high-quality 360-degree images. Specially created for business activities, THETA SC2 for Business is the tool which will help you to immerse your collaborators and customers into your projects. Aside from the unlimited possibility it gives to viewers and content creators; it encourages engagement and, through this, has over 3 times the conversion rate of traditional video content and a 30% higher repeated view rate. The RICOH THETA SC2 for Business snaps photos at approximately 14 megapixels with smooth, immersive 360°spherical video at 30 fps (frames per second) in 4K (3840 à 1920 pixels).2 Tick to compare
Ricoh 910820 price is £1039.88. THETA Z1 achieves extremely high image quality and strives for ease of use with amazing performance. It records natural 360° images using approx. 23MP (6720 x 3360, 7K) still image shooting and highly accurate image stitching. It also supports 360° live streaming in 4K and transmits excellent quality real-looking image. The camera records 4K video with 360° spatial audio for a more realistic VR world. While being equipped with a large image sensor, the internal construction of the camera is optimized to produce high performance and high quality at this size.3 Tick to compare