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Midea MDWEF1034CS
price is £249.00.
<div><p>Make dishwashing effortless with the Midea MDWEF1034CS Freestanding Slimline Dishwasher, designed for small to medium-sized households. Its slimline design ensures it fits perfectly in tighter spaces without compromising on capacity. With 10 place settings, there's plenty of room for your dishes after every meal.</p> <p>This AEG MDWEF1034CS Dishwasher is built to tackle even the toughest messes. The 72â’ Intensive Care Cycle delivers powerful high-temperatu
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Midea MDWEF1034CW
price is £229.00.
<div><p>Enjoy effortless dishwashing with the Midea MDWEF1034CW Freestanding Slimline Dishwasher, designed to be beautifully compact without compromising on cleaning performance. This sleek white dishwasher features simple, intuitive controls, making it easy to operate while providing a stylish, modern touch to your space.</p> <p>Equipped with multiple dishwashing programs, this Midea Dishwasher tackles even the toughest messes. The 72â’ Intensive Care Cycle delivers tr
The reduction shown is the price reduction made by the individual supplier since the start of the day 7 days ago. The price includes the delivery charge as notified to us by the supplier.
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