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White Knight
White Knight AT45FSDW
price is £229.00.
<div><p>After enjoying a tasty meal, the last thing you want to worry about is washing up. Luckily, the White Knight AT45FSDW 45cm Freestanding Dishwasher is designed to take the hassle out of post-meal cleaning. At the heart of the appliance is a spacious stainless steel tub, complete with two storage racks designed to accommodate up to 10 place settings at once. There are also 6 wash programmes to take advantage of, so thereā¬"s no task too difficult.</p> <h2>Leave Eve
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White Knight AT60FSDW
price is £249.00.
<div><p>With the White Knight AT60FSDW 60cm Dishwasher, itā¬"s easier than ever to leave every dish spotless. The applianceā¬"s two storage racks have more than enough room for 13 place settings, so every dish can fit in comfortably. The appliance is also equipped with an intuitive control panel with all of the buttons you need to start a cycle. Thereā¬"s even a dedicated Quick Wash cycle that gets everything done in mere minutes!</p> <h2>Easily Clean Every Dish With This Sp
The reduction shown is the price reduction made by the individual supplier since the start of the day 7 days ago. The price includes the delivery charge as notified to us by the supplier.
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