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Samsung DV90BB7445GES1
price is £499.00.
<div><p>The Samsung DV90BB7445GES1 9kg Heat Pump Tumble Dryer is designed to be more than just your ordinary dryer.</p> <p>This outstanding Samsung Series 8 DV90BB7445GES1 Dryer features AI Dry technology, which uses clever multi-sensing technology to monitor the humidity of your clothes, measure the weight, and output the perfect amount of heat- reducing energy usage by up to 10%, whilst drying them faster and more gently!</p> <p>When you download the S
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Samsung DV90BB9445GHS1
price is £549.00.
Samsung DV90BB9445GHS1 Bespoke AI⢠Series 8 9KG Heat Pump Tumble Dryer
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Samsung DV90BB9545GBS1
price is £589.00.
<div><p>The Samsung DV90BB9545GBS1 Series 8 Heat Pump Tumble Dryer brings excellent drying results right to your laundry room! With Heat Pump Technology cleverly reheating air inside the drum, this dryer dries everything with care at cooler temperatures, keeping even delicate fabrics safe while cutting down on energy use- saving a typical family up to £145.93 a year on their energy bills compared to vented tumble dryeers. Paired with an A Energy Efficiency Rating, this dryer is desig
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Samsung DV90T5240AW
price is £479.00.
<div><p>The Samsung DV90T5240AW Series 6 OptimalDry⢠9kg Smart Heat Pump Tumble Dryer is designed with your wardrobe and your energy bills in mind! With its Heat Pump Technology, this dryer gently reuses and reheats the air inside the drum, drying clothes at lower temperatures to protect fabrics while significantly reducing energy usage, resulting in dry clothes that feel brand-new and are ready to wear in less time, all while saving on your electricity bills! Thanks to their eco-fri
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Samsung DV90T6240LN
price is £519.00.
<div><p>The Samsung DV90T6240LN 9kg Heat Pump Tumble Dryer is designed to bring out the best in your fabrics. Itâ¬"s not only able to dry everything in minutes, but itâ¬"s also able to leave your fabrics softer than ever and free of creases. Itâ¬"s also more efficient than your average dryer, thanks to its heat pump system and Optimal Dry technology that ensures the appliance only uses exactly whatâ¬"s necessary!</p> <h2>A Fully-Equipped Tumble Dryer Designed With Efficiency I
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