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White Knight
White Knight AT8CW
price is £289.00.
<div><p>Tired of cramming your laundry into a tiny dryer? Then youâ¬"ll love the 8g drum of the White Knight AT8CW tumble dryer. Itâ¬"s designed specifically to accommodate larger laundry loads straight from the washing machine. You can fill the appliance with confidence, thanks to the Mix cycle. Itâ¬"s specially programmed to handle mixed laundry loads, for less time spent separating fabrics. Thereâ¬"s also the Iron Dry cycle that leaves fabrics crease-free!</p> <h2>Save Time
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White Knight AT9CW
price is £285.00.
<div><p>The White Knight AT9CW 9kg Condenser Tumble Dryer makes use of a special condenser system to save you time and money with every cycle. There are plenty of cycles to choose from, such as the Iron Dry cycle, which leaves your clothes nice and soft, so theyâ¬"re free of creases, for less time spent ironing. Thereâ¬"s also the 10 Minute cycle, which is programmed to get everything done in a flash!</p> <h2>Enjoy Ultimate Convenience With Every Cycle Thanks To This Spaci
The reduction shown is the price reduction made by the individual supplier since the start of the day 7 days ago. The price includes the delivery charge as notified to us by the supplier.
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