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Stages Power price is £39.99. TheBurgtec The Cloud Boost Saddle has a sleek design and reduced profile that offers tons of room to manoeuvre and prevents any snagging from your trousers. You can dangle legs off without any fear of getting caught up again. The slim design provides the perfect width and rough material that gives the exact amount of grip that your legs need to grant that critical last bit of stability. This is essential when you want to chuck both hands off or need to be sure of that superman seat grab. The medium density foam offers enough protection for when things go wrong and enough padding to be comfortable when riding between spots. The grip textured material is great for rainy days to stop you slipping around. Enjoy endless sessions on a saddle thatBurgtec built for pure fun! Burgtec The Cloud Boost Saddle Features Weight: 260g Dimensions: 140x300x60 cm1 Tick to compare