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Bosch HHF113BA0B

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From £374.00

  • Currys

    £374.00 Bosch HHF113BA0B £374.00

    (Price includes delivery charge of £45.00)

    Currys ref:10182243

    Perfectly baked goods, every timeWhether you're baking your nan a birthday cake or roasting Sunday dinner, get perfect results thanks to the Bosch Series 2 HHF113BA0B Electric Oven and its 3D Hotair system. Distributing heat quickly and evenly for up to three shelves at a time, you can cook your main and dessert without the flavours intermingling.Grill your favourite foodsEnjoy grilled food, even in the middle of winter thanks to the integrated grill. Prepare a delicious lunch for everyone or add the finishing touches to an evening meal.Keep the kids safeThis appliance is perfect for families with young kids, as it includes a child-proof lock on the oven to prevent your curious children from accidentally burning themselves. Prepare dinner for the whole family with complete peace of mind.Save on utilitiesSave money on utilities thanks to the efficient energy rating of the HHF113BA0B. With an energy rating of A, this oven lets you keep extra cash in your wallet when utilities come, and is friendly to the environment too.Why we love it"The top shelf isn't the hottest place in this oven. It uses 3D HotAir tech to spread the heat evenly across all levels without any flavour transfer. Perfect for batch cooking savoury and sweet at the same time!" - Dominik, Product Copywriter_____________ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION: This product can be plugged into a standard 13 Amp socket."

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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