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Kenwood KIFF5022

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From £434.00

  • Currys

    £434.00 Kenwood KIFF5022 £434.00

    (Price includes delivery charge of £45.00)

    Currys ref:10238775

    You can shop less often when your fridge freezer keeps your food fresh and tasty. The Humidity Control drawer stops your fruit and veggies from drying out too quickly. And Eco Mode keeps the temperature stable and energy consumption low, which means you can also save on your bills. Good to know - It's frost free so you won't need to manually defrost your fridge freezer - gone are the days of emptying your freezer and chipping away the ice - Fast Freeze rapidly freezes your meat, fish and veg, locking in their flavours and nutrients - It's got plenty of space in the fridge, and the adjustable shelves make it easier to store larger items too - The door opens at a 90° angle and it's reversible, so you can even put the fridge freezer in the corner of your kitchen _______________ PLEASE NOTE: Use in outbuildings: This refrigerator is not designed to be used in an outbuilding - both your food and the appliance can be damaged. Do not use it in any unheated area. Reversible door hinges: This appliance has a reversible door. Please consult a qualified installer, such as one of our Tech Experts, to carry out door reversal - select the door reversal service when you add this product to the basket."

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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