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Haier HSR3918ENPG

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From £794.00

  • Currys

    £794.00 Haier HSR3918ENPG £794.00

    (Price includes delivery charge of £45.00)

    Currys ref:10220318

    Large storage capacityWith its whopping 500 litres of storage space, the Haier HSR3918ENPG American-Style Fridge Freezer is suitable for a modern and busy household. Two opposite-opening doors stay opened in 90° angle thanks to their Easy Stop Hinges, so you won't need to hold the doors open while you're searching for food.Multi Air Flow TechnologyThanks to fans circulating air throughout the whole fridge, the temperature in all parts of the fridge stays even. All air ducts are angled away from your food. This creates a protective airflow 'Halo' around it, keeping it fresh longer.Super cool and super freeze functionsEnjoy all your food exactly how they are meant to taste. The super cool and super freeze functions ensure that the freshness of all foods placed in the HSR3918ENPG is immediately locked in.Easy to runDefrosting is a thing of the past. You don't need to worry about ice build-up in the fridge or the freezer - they both have auto defrosting features.  _______________PLEASE NOTE: Use in outbuildings: This refrigerator is not designed to be used in an outbuilding - both your food and the appliance can be damaged. Do not use it in any unheated area."

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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