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Cda HN6013FR Hob

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From £324.00

  • Currys

    £324.00 Cda HN6013FR £324.00

    (Price includes delivery charge of £45.00)

    Currys ref:10261060

    Good to know- This CDA hob's 4 induction zones let you whip up tasty meals quickly and efficiently- The booster function ramps up the power so your pot of water will be boiling in no time- Stop'n Go pauses the cooking and picks it up again at the same heat settings when you're ready- The residual heat indicators light up any area that's still hot so there's no nasty accidents- Its touch controls make it easy to adjust the settings and can be wiped clean when you're done cooking- The Minute Minder keeps track of time with a handy countdown - perfect boiled eggs every timeELECTRICAL INSTALLATION: This product can be plugged into a standard 13 Amp socket."

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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