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Samsung LS32CG552EUXXU Monitor

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From £230.74

  • EE Store

    £230.74 Samsung LS32CG552EUXXU £230.74

    (Price includes delivery charge of £3.49)

    **Boost your reality** *QHD resolution* Your gaming world, more lifelike than ever before. Packing in 1.7 times the pixel density of Full HD, QHD resolution boasts incredibly detailed, pin-sharp images. Experience a fuller view with more space to take in all the action. **Overwhelm Your senses** *1000R curvature* Vivid scenes wrap even more tightly around you. Experience the next level of heart-pounding gaming that's superior to anything you've seen before. The 1000R display fills your peripheral vision and draws you into the character's shoes. **Stay in sync with the action** *AMD FreeSync* Superfluid entertainment experience. AMD Radeon FreeSyncÂ" keeps your monitor and graphics card refresh rate in sync to reduce image tearing. Watch movies and play games without interruptions. Even fast scenes look seamless and smooth **Find hidden details others miss** *HDR10* Awe-inspiring graphics with HDR10. A kaleidoscope of shades brings game scenes to life with incredible vibrancy. Uncover the secrets hiding in the shadows with deep dark blacks, luminous whites, and outstandingly detailed resolution. **Fresh eyes win more** *Eye Saver Mode & Less Screen Flickering* Play for even longer. Eye Saver Mode minimizes blue light to help keep your eyes relaxed and comfortable when gaming for extended periods. The Odyssey G5 also reduces irritating and tiring screen flicker, so you can focus longer with less distraction and eye strain."

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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