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Acer NX.A7VEK.003 Laptop

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From £303.47

  • EE Store

    £303.47 Acer NX.A7VEK.003 £303.47

    (Price includes delivery charge of £3.49)

    Whether you're at home, school, or work, get all the performance you need with a powerful processor, maintaining order and keeping your apps running consistently and smoothly. **Powerful productivity** For better performance, the Aspire 1 uses an advanced processor, has a huge memory, and delivers enough power to see you through your workday. Work, play, or relax - do it all with powerful productivity. **Color-rich display** The advanced display keeps images and videos stunning while the narrow border offers more viewable space. To protect user's eyes from harmful blue light, it also includes Acer BlueLightShield. **Plenty of ports** With USB ports you're always prepared for any situation - whether plugging in for a presentation or using the advanced peripherals. If needed, you can also connect to an external display via the HDMI port when the occasion calls for a larger screen. **Stay connected** Users get easy updates to the information with a full range of connectivity options. Wi-Fi 5 provides fast Internet access. For enhanced video calls, this laptop also includes an optimized camera and microphones. **Purposeful design** The practical design has been slimmed down to provide users with an easily portable device and even includes an ergonomic hinge that pulls in additional airflow from underneath the laptop."

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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