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Beko BM1WT3721W Washing Machine

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From £294.00

  • Currys

    £294.00 Beko BM1WT3721W £294.00

    (Price includes delivery charge of £45.00)

    Currys ref:10264879

    Doing the laundry shouldn't take up your whole day. This Beko washing machine's Quick program will have a load as big as 7 kg clean in less than half an hour. It's a life saver when you need the school uniforms ready for Monday morning. Not fast enough? The Super Quick function can blitz through a 2 kg load in just 14 minutes - just enough time to make yourself a cuppa. And SteamCure adds steam to the drum at the end of the cycle to help get rid of wrinkles and creases. That means you'll spend less time leaning over the ironing board.Good to know- The RecycledTub is sustainably made from recycled plastic bottles- Clean clothes start with a clean machine - DrumClean gets rid of nasty bacteria hiding inside the drum- There's a handy child safety lock to stop curious little fingers from tinkering with the settings mid wash- Its large porthole door makes it easy to throw in larger items like bed linens and towels"

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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