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Lenovo 67B1GAC3UK Monitor

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From £802.49

  • EE Store

    £802.49 Lenovo 67B1GAC3UK £802.49

    (Price includes delivery charge of £3.49)

    The Legion R45w-30 monitor offers an immersive gaming experience with its ultra-wide curved screen. The 32:9 aspect ratio and large size provide an impressive view of the action, while the 5120 x 1440 DQHD resolution ensures sharp visual elements. The monitor's VESA-certified DisplayHDR 400 HDR technology enhances the display's light and shadow capabilities, making it easy to identify reflections and shadows. Gamers can enjoy smooth gameplay and gain a competitive edge. The monitor also features AMD FreeSync Premium Pro processor and Adaptive Sync technology to prevent jitter and image slowdown. Multiple connectivity options, including USB-C, HDMI, DP and a USB hub, make it easy to connect various devices. The monitor is also equipped with natural low blue light technology to protect users during extended gaming sessions."

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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