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Hp 14S-DQ0509SA Laptop

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From £184.99

  • Currys

    £184.99 Hp 14S-DQ0509SA £184.99

    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10263975

    At just 1.46 kg, this 14" HP is the perfect little grab-and-go laptop. If you're hunkered down in a café or train, the battery will lasts you a whopping 10 hours. And because the Intel® Celeron® Processor has 4 cores, it's a solid choice for light workflows. Good to know - 128 GB of SSD storage will be enough to store all your essential docs offline - With 2 USBs and a USB Type-C port, there's plenty of room for cables or dongles - The HD webcam and built-in mic are perfect for video callsPlease note: This PC includes Office 365 Personal for a year. All you have to do is activate it within six months of setting up your laptop. Easy._______________ Intel, the Intel logo, Celeron, Intel Atom, Intel Core, Intel. Experience What's Inside, Intel Inside, the Intel Inside logo, Intel Unite, Iris, Pentium, Thunderbolt, the Thunderbolt logo, and Ultrabook are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries."

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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