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Kenwood BLEND-X Juicer

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Watch the price of the Kenwood BLEND-X BLEND-X

From £34.99

  • Currys

    £34.99 Cheapest Kenwood BLEND-X £34.99

    Out of stock since 2023-05-16 00:28:10.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.00)

    Currys ref:10210533

    A delicious smoothie can start your morning off the right way.  This Kenwood blender has 3 speed settings to help you blend homemade fruity concoctions. Simply turn the dial and away you go. Use the pulse function to break up chunks - after all, it is a smoothie! Good to know - The powerful 650 W motor gives you the smoothest blend - it can even crush ice - The 2-litre jug is big enough to prepare healthy treats for the whole family - When you're finished, simply stick it in the dishwasher to clean - The safety lock makes it secure while you're using it"

  • Currys Out of stock since 2024-06-26 00:16:02.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10210526

    Powerful and efficient with 1.6 l capacity, the Kenwood BLP31.A0CT Blend X Compact Blender will help you to make the most of the fresh fruit and vegetable and boost your health.Preparing mayo and dips has never been easier. You can add oil, cream and other ingredients right during the blending process thanks to the oil dripper integrated in the lid.Choose from two speed levels and let the stainless-steel blades cut through any ingredient.With its compact design the blender is easy to store as it doesn't take too much worktop space."

  • Currys Out of stock since 2024-03-15 13:16:41.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10210526

    Powerful and efficient with 1.6 l capacity, the Kenwood BLP31.A0CT Blend X Compact Blender will help you to make the most of the fresh fruit and vegetable and boost your health.Preparing mayo and dips has never been easier. You can add oil, cream and other ingredients right during the blending process thanks to the oil dripper integrated in the lid.Choose from two speed levels and let the stainless-steel blades cut through any ingredient.With its compact design the blender is easy to store as it doesn't take too much worktop space."

  • Currys Out of stock since 2023-12-09 22:15:55.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10210500

    Powerful and efficient with 1.6 l capacity, the Kenwood BLP31.D0WG Blend Xtract 3-in-1 Blender will help you to make the most of the fresh fruit and vegetable and boost your health.Ideal for the busy days when you're constantly on your feet, the Blend Xtract comes with the 2Go bottle. Blend refreshing smoothie directly to your bottle and you're ready to go. Just perfect snack after your yoga class or during the busy day at work.Prepare healthy and nutritious nut butter, chop herbs or grind coffee beans with the Multi Mill attachment.Preparing mayo and dips have never been that easy. You can easily add oil, cream and other ingredients right during the blending process thanks to the oil dripper integrated in the lid.With its compact design the blender is easy to store as it doesn't take too much worktop space."

  • Currys Out of stock since 2024-08-06 00:47:02.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10210533

    A delicious smoothie can start your morning off the right way.  This Kenwood blender has 3 speed settings to help you blend homemade fruity concoctions. Simply turn the dial and away you go. Use the pulse function to break up chunks - after all, it is a smoothie! Good to know - The powerful 650 W motor gives you the smoothest blend - it can even crush ice - The 2-litre jug is big enough to prepare healthy treats for the whole family - When you're finished, simply stick it in the dishwasher to clean - The safety lock makes it secure while you're using it"

  • Currys Out of stock since 2024-11-28 22:46:59.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10210508

    Smoothie, ice-cream, soup or puree - you can have all of these with the Kenwood BLP41.A0GO Blend X Compact Blender. With 2 litre capacity there's enough space to treat your family with delicious fruit smoothies or cocktails.Strong enough to cut through the ice, the detachable stainless-steel blades provide reliable service and are easy to clean too.The intuitive control panel with push buttons and a dial lets you adjust the blending speed. Whether you're preparing baby food or just want to have some big chunks in your soup, with variable speed levels you always get the texture you want.You don't need to worry about cleaning - the Blend X features dishwasher safe parts that can go straight into the dishwasher once the blending is over."

  • Currys Out of stock since 2023-12-06 22:15:50.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10210526

    Powerful and efficient with 1.6 l capacity, the Kenwood BLP31.A0CT Blend X Compact Blender will help you to make the most of the fresh fruit and vegetable and boost your health.Preparing mayo and dips has never been easier. You can add oil, cream and other ingredients right during the blending process thanks to the oil dripper integrated in the lid.Choose from two speed levels and let the stainless-steel blades cut through any ingredient.With its compact design the blender is easy to store as it doesn't take too much worktop space."

  • Currys Out of stock since 2024-03-15 13:16:41.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10210533

    A delicious smoothie can start your morning off the right way.  This Kenwood blender has 3 speed settings to help you blend homemade fruity concoctions. Simply turn the dial and away you go. Use the pulse function to break up chunks - after all, it is a smoothie! Good to know - The powerful 650 W motor gives you the smoothest blend - it can even crush ice - The 2-litre jug is big enough to prepare healthy treats for the whole family - When you're finished, simply stick it in the dishwasher to clean - The safety lock makes it secure while you're using it"

  • Currys Out of stock since 2024-03-02 22:16:04.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10210508

    Smoothie, ice-cream, soup or puree - you can have all of these with the Kenwood BLP41.A0GO Blend X Compact Blender. With 2 litre capacity there's enough space to treat your family with delicious fruit smoothies or cocktails.Strong enough to cut through the ice, the detachable stainless-steel blades provide reliable service and are easy to clean too.The intuitive control panel with push buttons and a dial lets you adjust the blending speed. Whether you're preparing baby food or just want to have some big chunks in your soup, with variable speed levels you always get the texture you want.You don't need to worry about cleaning - the Blend X features dishwasher safe parts that can go straight into the dishwasher once the blending is over."

The price and product description from each of the 9 offers for the Kenwood BLEND-X is displayed. If there's more than one offer from a single supplier, it's likely that the supplier is offering different bundles which include the product. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Kenwood BLEND-X.

* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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