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Sage SCA800DBL0ZEU1 Juicer

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Watch the price of the Sage SCA800DBL0ZEU1 SCA800DBL0ZEU1

From £185.94

  • Currys

    £185.94 Sage SCA800DBL0ZEU1 £185.94

    Out of stock since 2024-11-26 22:46:50.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10266246

    Add a little sparkle to your day with this Sage InFizz Fusion. Its FusionCap lets you control the flow of CO2 depending on the drink and how fizzy you want it. It's not just for water though. Add some fizz to your favourite juices, teas, cocktails and wines too - perfect on those warm summer evenings. And its unique locking system and ergonomic ring pull make it quick and easy to use. Just twist, lock and enjoy the bubbles.Good to know- It stays carbonated so you can make your drink and enjoy it later without it going flat- The magnetic drip tray stays firmly in place to catch any accidental spills- Its modern design has a small footprint so it won't clutter up your countertops- It comes with everything you need including a 1 litre bottle, cleaning brush, funnel and sieve"

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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