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Samsung HWS701D Stereo

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Watch the price of the Samsung HWS701D HWS701D

From £449.00

  • Electrical Discount UK

    £449.00 Samsung HWS701D £449.00

    Out of stock since 2024-12-20 13:46:15.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £0.00)

    ""free TV to Soundbar connection and music streaming.Connect your soundbar wirelessly with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi for a mess- free solution. With this feature you can position your soundbar anywhere in the room without the need for trailing Atmos - Built-in wireless Dolby Atmos cinematic sound*. Transform your home cinema set-up with Wireless Dolby Atmos. This technology takes your soundbar to the next level, wirelessly delivering pinpoint sound effects for cinematic 3D surround sound* - just sit back and enjoy the show. *Wireless Dolby Atmos transmission with Y22-24 Samsung TVs. Samsung Q-Symphony - Your TV and Soundbar play together in perfect harmony.  Enhance your viewing experience with amazing sound from both your TV and soundbar, working in perfect harmony, without a complicated set up. Just kick back, and let Q-Symphony take care of it all. Elevate your sound experience, perfected by Samsung. Voice Assistants - Hands-free voice control to skip the track or crank up the volume with ease. Effortlessly control your soundbar with Amazon Alexa built- in* and Google voice assistant. Our smart soundbar lets you play music, check the weather, search the web, and more – all you have to do is ask. *Requires SmartThings App. Adaptive Sound - Advanced AI tailors the audio to what you’re watching. Experience sound like never before. Adaptive Sound uses advanced AI to tailor the audio to match whatever you're watching. Feel like you're a part of the action watching movies; or enjoy music like you’re at the concert. Even at low volume, it clarifies voices to catch every word. Built-in Centre Speaker and AVA - Never miss a word. Experience crystal clear dialogue thanks to a special built-in center speaker and Active Voice Amplifier (AVA) that detects background noise and clarifies the voices on your screen. No more rewinding to hear the conversation in your favourite shows. Available only at Samsung. Game Mode Pro - Directional sound dedicated for an extraordinary gaming experience. Dive deep into the action using our special gaming setting. Experience the roar of a sports car on the open road and hear opponents sneaking up behind you with pinpoint directional sound. It's all configured automatically to help you make most of your gaming experience. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Connection - Cable free TV to Soundbar connection and music streaming.Connect your soundbar wirelessly with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi for a mess- free solution. With this feature you can position your soundbar anywhere in the room without the need for trailing """

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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