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Samsung WW90DB8U95GHU1 Washing Machine

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From £729.00

We've found the Samsung WW90DB8U95GHU1 once in our price comparison database. The price and product description is displayed. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Samsung WW90DB8U95GHU1.

* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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Samsung WW11DB7B94GE Samsung WW11DB7B94GE from £729.00.
Lg F4Y913BCTA1 Lg F4Y913BCTA1 from £729.00. Automatic sensing runs the optimal wash pattern based on fabric weight and softness. Your items are gently, thoroughly cleaned with TurboWash⢠360Ëa in just 39 minutes.<br/>
Samsung WW90DB7U94GEU1 Samsung WW90DB7U94GEU1 from £734.00. Tackling the laundry basket over the weekend? Pop your clothes in this Samsung washing machine and get your job done in just 15 minutes with its quick wash feature. But that doesn't mean hot rinsing. Its ecobubble technology keeps your clothes in good shape by washing them at cooler temperatures. And you can use the Hygiene Steam mode to spin those pesky microbes out of your clothes and keep skin allergies at bay. Good to know - Satin dress or woollen clothes - choose from its 24 wash programs and give them the care they need - You can monitor and reduce your machine's energy use by up to 70% using the SmartThings AI Energy mode - Missed a pair of socks? Throw them in by pausing is cycle, thanks to its add to the wash feature - No more extra rinsing - its AI wash feature adjusts water levels and the spin speed for every cycle - It uses exactly the amount of detergent your clothes need with its auto dose feature - Connect it with your phone via the Samsung SmartThings app and manage it even when you're not around - Its Drum Clean feature keeps your machine clean and ready for a new load every time Please note: SmartThings available on Android & iOS devices. WiFi connection and Samsung account required. Energy saving based on Samsung internal testing on the WW11BB944AGB model on a Cotton 40 degree wash with the AI Energy Mode turned on, compared to not using AI Energy Mode.
Aeg LF8E8436BI Aeg LF8E8436BI from £744.00. This AEG washing machine takes the guesswork out of doing the laundry. Its ProSense function automatically weighs each load and then decides on the most efficient way to clean it. It can reduce your water and energy consumption by up to 30%, so it's kinder on your wallet. Need the school uniforms ready in a hurry? Hit the TimeSave option and it cuts your wash times in half so they're ready to go in double quick time. And the ÃkoPower 59min program is like a stain-fighting superhero. It pre-mixes the detergent to get even the toughest stains out in under an hour, even on a 30ºC wash.Good to know- Working from home? It runs whisper-quietly so it won't distract you when you're on a call- Postpone the start of the wash by up to 20 hours with the delay timer - it'll be ready when you need it- Its Anti-allergy program gets rid of nasty bacteria and allergens that hide in your clothes- The Add to Wash feature lets you pause the cycle and add any items you missed

Price History of the Samsung WW90DB8U95GHU1

Current prices are shown above. The table below shows earlier prices since we've been keeping records.

Supplier Price Delivery cost Until date Total price
Electrical Discount UK £799.00 £0.00 2024-09-03 09:46:26.0 £799.00

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