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Teknix FFH1825WS Fridge Freezer

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Watch the price of the Teknix FFH1825WS FFH1825WS

From £369.00

  • Electrical Discount UK

    £369.00 Teknix FFH1825WS £369.00

    Out of stock since 2025-01-09 13:46:25.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £0.00)

    ""Packed with clever features designed to make your life easier, this large- capacity freezer will fit perfectly in your home. Thanks to our Frost-Free technology, you'll never have to manually defrost your freezer. What's more, Beko's Fast Freeze feature lets you quickly lock in your food's vitamins and nutrients. The ice bank tray offers a handy solution for making and storing ice cubes. Whether you need to place your freezer in your garage, outbuilding or anywhere else in your home, our Freezer Guard technology ensures your freezer will always function properly, even in temperatures as low as -15°C. We do not recommend you use your fridge compartment in low ambient temperatures. Defrosting the ice build-up in your freezer is a time-consuming and frustrating job, but it can be avoided with Frost Free technology which automatically defrosts the freezer. The warm air that enters your freezer when you open the door gets removed thanks to an automatic fan, leaving no chance for ice to build up. The ice bank tray offers a handy solution for making and storing ice cubes. Ideal for locking in your food's vitamins and nutrients, the fast freeze setting in the top compartments of our freezers freeze your food 10% faster than the other shelves. If you're restricted on where you can place your appliance in your home, the reversible doors on this model offer a convenient solution. """

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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