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Jabra 2393-829-109 Review

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From £113.16

  • EE Store

    £113.16 Jabra 2393-829-109 £113.16

    (Price includes delivery charge of £0.00)

    EE Store ref:955

    **Better conversations for the contact centre** Your contact centre agents are your brand's front line. Jabra BIZ 2300 will ensure every customer conversation becomes a great brand experience. This new corded headset features HD Voice/Wideband speaker performance and best-in-class noise-cancellation. **Keep your contact centre agents happy** The Jabra BIZ 2300 for contact centres blends a lightweight yet durable construction with an unobtrusive, professional Scandinavian design aesthetic. The Jabra BIZ 2300 works hard, looks great and is designed for easy daily handling. It is a headset built to be comfortable all day long. **The contact centre headset that is built to last** Jabra BIZ 2300 is built with total cost of ownership in mind. Beside 360° degree rotating break-proof boom-arm and Kevlar-reinforced cord, the Jabra BIZ 2300 is built to withstand any punishment a high-performing contact centre can give. **A UC headset with easy in-line call management** The Jabra BIZ 2300 is a UC headset that features an intuitive, in-line call controller for greater productivity and convenience. Large buttons with LED indicators make it easy for agents to pick up or end calls, put callers on or take them off hold, set volume levels or put the call on mute. Plus, all buttons are user-programmable."

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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