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Jabra 28599-999-989 Review

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Jabra 28599-999-989 Headphones

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From £351.94

  • EE Store

    £351.94 Jabra 28599-999-989 £351.94

    (Price includes delivery charge of £0.00)

    They set out to create instant quiet, anywhere. The result is a world-class professional headset with cutting-edge digital hybrid Active Noise Cancellation(ANC), powered by the most advanced digital chipset ever, and designed for incredible noise isolation; just put it on for instant immersion in your thoughts. It's time to change the game. Welcome to the new standard. They've taken busylight to a whole new level, making it visible from any direction. The red light is automatically activated when you're on a call or in a meeting, or you can activate it yourself at the touch of a button. So, even when you're right in the middle of everything, your busylight will protect you from all angles, and all interruptions. It's like having a built-in security guard for your concentration. They've built this headset with powerful leak-tolerant 40mm speakers. Factor in advanced digital chipset and the latest AAC codec, and your music will be sounding better than ever. Good things come to those who wait. This is the audio experience you've been waiting for. They know that being heard and understood with absolute clarity keeps your calls seamless and professional. So, they took the incredible call performance of world-leading Evolve Series, and they made it even better by building in 10 microphones(yes, 10), powered by that advanced digital chipset they keep talking about, for outstanding call quality, every time. Because when you're making an important call, clarity is everything. When you finally find a headset that you just can't do without, it's good to know you don't have to. They've used the advanced battery efficiency technology to squeeze every last minute of juice out of this powerful headset. They took biometric measurements of hundreds of heads to create a perfect design that adjusts to fit every size and shape. Then, they added soft memory foam ear cushions to make it supremely comfortable; so comfortable, you'll forget it's even there. Finally, they ass"

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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