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From £111.58

  • EE Store

    £111.58 USB3DOCKHDPC £111.58

    (Price includes delivery charge of £0.00)

    EE Store ref:9

    Create a 4K Ultra HD or dual-monitor workstation through USB 3.0, even if your laptop doesn't natively support high-resolution output. The USB 3.0 4K Laptop Docking Station lets you create a high-resolution, 4K Ultra HD workstation in your office or at home. Now, you can discover leading-edge display technology, desktop convenience, and fast device charging by adding 4K DisplayPort, DP & HDMI dual video, USB quick-charge port, and several other vital connections to your laptop. It's the perfect accessory for laptops and Ultrabooks, as well as your Microsoft Surface Pro 4, Surface Pro 3, Surface 3, Surface Pro 2 or Surface Book. Deliver brilliant text and image quality, and an exciting visual experience with one of the first docking stations to support 4Kx2K (3840x2160p - 30Hz) resolution. Now, you can take advantage of the latest Ultra High Definition (UHD) displays, or prepare your workspace for the future popularity of 4K touch screens, displays, and video sources, which offer 4x as many pixels as full high-definition (1920x1080p). Native 4K videos, applications, and graphics look crystal-clear and sharp with vivid realism, documents are crisp, and colors appear rich and more accurate. Easily add 4K capabilities to your Windows or Mac laptop, when connected to a single display via the dock DP video output and a DisplayPort-enabled 4K display. For extra display flexibility, pair the docking station with the DisplayPort to HDMI 4K Video Converter (SKU: DP2HD4KS - sold separately) to add support for a 4K HDMI-based display. Work faster, and more efficiently! With dual monitor support (4K output not supported in dual monitor configuration), you can design an immersive, multi-display desktop proven to streamline work and save time. Be up-and-running in seconds with no headaches, simply connect DP and HDMI-enabled displays to the integrated monitor outputs and you're done. A single USB 3.0 connection means docking your laptop (e.g. Lenovo ThinkPad, HP / D"

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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