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Aeg L7WE74634BI Washing Machine

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From £864.00

  • Currys

    £864.00 Aeg L7WE74634BI £864.00

    (Price includes delivery charge of £45.00)

    Currys ref:10264200

    Life's too short to be messing about with laundry. This AEG washer dryer's Steam Refresh function freshens up lightly soiled clothes and gets rid of pesky wrinkles. It uses up to 96% less water and helps keep your ironing pile in check. The SpecialCare Wash-to-Dry cycle is certified by Woolmark Blue, so you can trust it to look after your most delicate items. And the ProSense function automatically weighs each load and then decides on the most efficient way to clean it. It can reduce your water and energy consumption by up to 30% so it's kinder on your wallet.Good to know- In a hurry? Wash and dry your clothes in just 1 hour with the Wash&Dry 60' cycle- Choose the Quick 20' wash only cycle and get clean clothes in as little as 20 minutes- The Smooth Care drum pattern helps clothes glide smoothly by covering the holes with a thin film of water- It runs whisper-quietly so it won't distract you if you're working from home"

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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Aeg LFR741144B Aeg LFR741144B from £894.00. Sometimes your clothes don't need a thorough wash. This AEG washing machine's Steam cycle gives your clothes a quick freshen up and helps to reduce pesky wrinkles. It only uses 2 litres of water per cycle so it kind to your clothes and your wallet. The MixLoad 69 program washes your clothes at 30°C in just 69 minutes so it's perfect for your daily mixed loads. And PreciseLoad technology automatically adjusts the cycle time and energy usage based on the size of your load. It saves water and energy on smaller loads and even restores the water protection of your outdoor garments.Good to know- Its Smooth Care drum helps clothes glide smoothly by covering the holes with a thin film of water- The Hygiene program washes at temperatures over 60°C to get rid of more than 99.99% of bacteria and viruses- With a large 11 kg capacity, you can wash a big family load in one go - perfect for getting the school uniforms ready
Samsung WW90T986DSX Samsung WW90T986DSX from £869.00. <div><p>The Samsung WW90T986DSX 9kg Washing Machine combines advanced technology with a sleek design for efficient and effective cleaning. Its standout ecobubble⢠technology mixes air, water, and detergent to create bubbles that clean at lower temperatures, making it gentle on both your clothes and the environment. Meanwhile, its QuickDrive⢠technology speeds up washing by up to 50% using an innovative fabric care drum which pulsates to push detergent deeper into your clothes, while

Price History of the Aeg L7WE74634BI

Current prices are shown above. The table below shows earlier prices since we've been keeping records.

Supplier Price Delivery cost Until date Total price
Currys £849.00 £45.00 2024-09-11 13:46:54.0 £894.00
Currys £809.00 £45.00 2024-09-07 23:47:24.0 £854.00
Currys £809.00 £45.00 2024-09-05 23:46:48.0 £854.00
Currys £799.00 £45.00 2024-09-02 23:46:26.0 £844.00
Currys £899.00 £5.99 2024-08-17 13:46:47.0 £904.99

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