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Samsung WW11DG5B25AH Washing Machine

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From £499.00

We've found the Samsung WW11DG5B25AH once in our price comparison database. The price and product description is displayed. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Samsung WW11DG5B25AH.

* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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Samsung WD90TA046BE Samsung WD90TA046BE from £499.00. <div><p>With its sleek black and white design, the Samsung WD90TA046BE/EU washer-dryer is a stylish addition to any modern kitchen. On the front of this sleek and stunning washer-dryer is a rotary dial for selecting washing cycles and a stunning control panel with an LED display which displays the time remaining on your cycle and lets you select from various settings.</p> <p>On the inside of this washer-dryer, its cutting-edge digital inverter motor makes doing your la
Lg FWY385WWLN1 Lg FWY385WWLN1 from £499.00. Make wash day faster with LG's TurboWashâ˘. Showering your clothes from multiple angles, LG's TurboWash⢠washes and rinses with more effectiveness, offering a 5kg wash in just 39 minutes. Sometimes a normal wash isn't enough, LG's Steam technology bathes your clothes in sanitizing steam to reduce allergens by up to 99.99%.
Samsung WW90DG6U25LEU1 Samsung WW90DG6U25LEU1 from £524.00. Make laundry day less of a chore with this Samsung washing machine. Its ecobubble technology mixes air, water and detergent to create bubbles that wash your clothes faster at lower temperatures. It saves energy and helps keep those bills down. The Hygiene Steam program has your back if you suffer from allergies. It gets rid of 99.9% of nasty bacteria and allergens that hide in your clothes, so you can breathe easy. And the Fabric Care Drum has a soft layer of bubbles which prevents clothes from snagging during the cycle. It's like a spa day for your delicates.Good to know- Need that shirt clean pronto? The 15 minute Quick Wash gets your whites white again in double quick time- The Stay Clean Drawer automatically rinses away clumpy soap build up, so you don't have to scrub it out- Kids are a magnet for dirt - add a 30 minute Bubble Soak to your wash for ground in grass stains and meal-time mishaps- Drum Clean+ keeps the drum sparkling clean with just hot water and high-speed spinning - no detergent needed- Download the SmartThings app and get handy tips and notifications about your energy consumption
Smeg WNP84SECUK Smeg WNP84SECUK from £499.00. <div><p>The Smeg WNP84SECUK 8kg Washing Machine is perfect for medium-sized households, featuring a generous 8kg capacity, which allows you to easily keep on top of your family's laundry. This intelligent washing machine features an Automatic Load Balancing System, which adjusts the water usage based on the weight of your laundry load, so you use only the amount of water necessary, making this washing machine better for the environment and your water bill.</p> <p>

Price History of the Samsung WW11DG5B25AH

Current prices are shown above. The table below shows earlier prices since we've been keeping records.

Supplier Price Delivery cost Until date Total price
Electrical Discount UK £429.00 £0.00 2024-07-24 17:45:52.0 £429.00
Electrical Discount UK £649.00 £0.00 2024-07-24 15:45:37.0 £649.00

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